CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_814220 is not available for thedefaultarchitecture x86.
Result is shown for architecture arm

ARM errata: Cache maintenance by set/way operations can execute out of order

configname: CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_814220

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Bus support
└─>ARM errata: Cache maintenance by set/way operations can execute out of order
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)  
The v7 ARM states that all cache and branch predictor maintenance
operations that do not specify an address execute, relative to
each other, in program order.
However, because of this erratum, an L2 set/way cache maintenance
operation can overtake an L1 set/way cache maintenance operation.
This ERRATA only affected the Cortex-A7 and present in r0p2, r0p3,
r0p4, r0p5.


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