ARM System Control and Power Interface (SCPI) Message Protocol

modulename: arm_scpi.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Firmware Drivers
└─>ARM System Control and Power Interface (SCPI) Message Protocol
In linux kernel since version 3.10 (release Date: 2013-06-30)  
System Control and Power Interface (SCPI) Message Protocol is
defined for the purpose of communication between the Application
Cores(AP) and the System Control Processor(SCP). The MHU peripheral
provides a mechanism for inter-processor communication between SCP
and AP.

SCP controls most of the power management on the Application
Processors. It offers control and management of: the core/cluster
power states, various power domain DVFS including the core/cluster,
certain system clocks configuration, thermal sensors and many

This protocol library provides interface for all the client drivers
making use of the features offered by the SCP.

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