CTU CAN-FD IP core platform (FPGA, SoC) driver

modulename: ctucanfd_platform.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Networking support
└─>CAN bus subsystem support
└─>CAN Device Drivers
└─>CTU CAN-FD IP core platform (FPGA, SoC) driver
In linux kernel since version 5.2 (release Date: 2019-07-07)  
The core has been tested together with OpenCores SJA1000
modified to be CAN FD frames tolerant on MicroZed Zynq based
MZ_APO education kits designed by Petr Porazil from PiKRON.com
company. FPGA design https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/zynq/zynq-can-sja1000-top.
The kit description at the Computer Architectures course pages
https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b35apo/documentation/mz_apo/start .

source code: