CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256_RISCV64 is not available for thedefaultarchitecture x86.
Result is shown for architecture 64BIT or riscv

Hash functions: SHA-224 and SHA-256

modulename: sha256-riscv64.ko

configname: CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256_RISCV64

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Accelerated Cryptographic Algorithms for CPU (riscv)
└─>Hash functions: SHA-224 and SHA-256
In linux kernel since version 6.1.89 (release Date: 2024-04-29)  
SHA-224 and SHA-256 secure hash algorithm (FIPS 180)

Architecture: riscv64 using:
- Zvknha or Zvknhb vector crypto extensions
- Zvkb vector crypto extension

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