AEAD cipher: SM4 in CCM mode (ARMv8 Crypto Extensions)
modulename: sm4-ce-ccm.ko
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Cryptographic API
└─>Accelerated Cryptographic Algorithms for CPU (arm64)
└─>AEAD cipher: SM4 in CCM mode (ARMv8 Crypto Extensions)
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)
AEAD cipher: SM4 cipher algorithms (OSCCA GB/T 32907-2016) with
CCM (Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code)
authenticated encryption mode (NIST SP800-38C)
Architecture: arm64 using:
- ARMv8 Crypto Extensions
- NEON (Advanced SIMD) extensions
CCM (Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code)
authenticated encryption mode (NIST SP800-38C)
Architecture: arm64 using:
- ARMv8 Crypto Extensions
- NEON (Advanced SIMD) extensions