Matrox I2C support

modulename: i2c-matroxfb.ko

configname: CONFIG_FB_MATROX_I2C

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Graphics support
└─>Frame buffer Devices
└─>Matrox I2C support
In linux kernel since version 2.6.20 (release Date: 2007-02-04)  
This drivers creates I2C buses which are needed for accessing the
DDC (I2C) bus present on all Matroxes, an I2C bus which
interconnects Matrox optional devices, like MGA-TVO on G200 and
G400, and the secondary head DDC bus, present on G400 only.

You can say Y or M here if you want to experiment with monitor
detection code. You must say Y or M here if you want to use either
second head of G400 or MGA-TVO on G200 or G400.

If you compile it as module, it will create a module named

source code: