CONFIG_FB_XVR1000 is not available for thedefaultarchitecture x86.
Result is shown for architecture 64BIT

Sun XVR-1000 support

modulename: sunxvr1000.ko

configname: CONFIG_FB_XVR1000

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Graphics support
└─>Frame buffer Devices
└─>Support for frame buffer device drivers
└─>Sun XVR-1000 support
In linux kernel since version (release Date: 2010-04-01)  
This is the framebuffer device for the Sun XVR-1000 and similar
graphics cards. The driver only works on sparc64 systems where
the system firmware has mostly initialized the card already. It
is treated as a completely dumb framebuffer device.

source code: