OS/2 HPFS file system support

modulename: hpfs.ko

configname: CONFIG_HPFS_FS

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>File systems
└─>Miscellaneous filesystems
└─>OS/2 HPFS file system support
In linux kernel since version 2.6.20 (release Date: 2007-02-04)  
OS/2 is IBM's operating system for PC's, the same as Warp, and HPFS
is the file system used for organizing files on OS/2 hard disk
partitions. Say Y if you want to be able to read files from and
write files to an OS/2 HPFS partition on your hard drive. OS/2
floppies however are in regular MSDOS format, so you don't need this
option in order to be able to read them. Read

To compile this file system support as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called hpfs. If unsure, say N.

source code: