configname: CONFIG_M486

Processor family
In linux kernel since version 2.6.12  
This is the processor type of your CPU. This information is
used for optimizing purposes. In order to compile a kernel
that can run on all supported x86 CPU types (albeit not
optimally fast), you can specify "486" here.

Note that the 386 is no longer supported, this includes
AMD/Cyrix/Intel 386DX/DXL/SL/SLC/SX, Cyrix/TI 486DLC/DLC2,
UMC 486SX-S and the NexGen Nx586.

The kernel will not necessarily run on earlier architectures than
the one you have chosen, e.g. a Pentium optimized kernel will run on
a PPro, but not necessarily on a i486.

Here are the settings recommended for greatest speed:
- "486" for the AMD/Cyrix/IBM/Intel 486DX/DX2/DX4 or
- "586" for generic Pentium CPUs lacking the TSC
(time stamp counter) register.
- "Pentium-Classic" for the Intel Pentium.
- "Pentium-MMX" for the Intel Pentium MMX.
- "Pentium-Pro" for the Intel Pentium Pro.
- "Pentium-II" for the Intel Pentium II or pre-Coppermine Celeron.
- "Pentium-III" for the Intel Pentium III or Coppermine Celeron.
- "Pentium-4" for the Intel Pentium 4 or P4-based Celeron.
- "K6" for the AMD K6, K6-II and K6-III (aka K6-3D).
- "Athlon" for the AMD K7 family (Athlon/Duron/Thunderbird).
- "Crusoe" for the Transmeta Crusoe series.
- "Efficeon" for the Transmeta Efficeon series.
- "Winchip-C6" for original IDT Winchip.
- "Winchip-2" for IDT Winchips with 3dNow! capabilities.
- "GeodeGX1" for Geode GX1 (Cyrix MediaGX).
- "Geode GX/LX" For AMD Geode GX and LX processors.
- "CyrixIII/VIA C3" for VIA Cyrix III or VIA C3.
- "VIA C3-2" for VIA C3-2 "Nehemiah" (model 9 and above).
- "VIA C7" for VIA C7.

If you don't know what to do, choose "486".
