QCOM PM8008 Power Management IC

modulename: qcom-pm8008.ko

configname: CONFIG_MFD_QCOM_PM8008

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Multifunction device drivers
└─>Device Tree and Open Firmware support
└─>QCOM PM8008 Power Management IC
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)  
Select this option to get support for the Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
PM8008 PMIC chip. PM8008 is a dedicated camera PMIC that integrates
all the necessary power management, housekeeping, and interface
support functions into a single IC. This driver provides common
support for accessing the device by instantiating all the child nodes
under it in the device tree. Additional drivers must be enabled in
order to use the functionality of the device.

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