Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using NPI port
modulename: tag_ocelot.ko
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Networking support
└─>Networking options
└─>Distributed Switch Architecture
└─>Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using NPI port
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)
Say Y or M if you want to enable NPI tagging for the Ocelot switches
(VSC7511, VSC7512, VSC7513, VSC7514, VSC9953, VSC9959). In this mode,
the frames over the Ethernet CPU port are prepended with a
hardware-defined injection/extraction frame header. Flow control
(PAUSE frames) over the CPU port is not supported when operating in
this mode.
(VSC7511, VSC7512, VSC7513, VSC7514, VSC9953, VSC9959). In this mode,
the frames over the Ethernet CPU port are prepended with a
hardware-defined injection/extraction frame header. Flow control
(PAUSE frames) over the CPU port is not supported when operating in
this mode.