Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using NPI port

modulename: tag_ocelot.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Networking support
└─>Networking options
└─>Distributed Switch Architecture
└─>Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using NPI port
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)  
Say Y or M if you want to enable NPI tagging for the Ocelot switches
(VSC7511, VSC7512, VSC7513, VSC7514, VSC9953, VSC9959). In this mode,
the frames over the Ethernet CPU port are prepended with a
hardware-defined injection/extraction frame header. Flow control
(PAUSE frames) over the CPU port is not supported when operating in
this mode.

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