Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using VLAN
modulename: tag_ocelot_8021q.ko
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Networking support
└─>Networking options
└─>Distributed Switch Architecture
└─>Tag driver for Ocelot family of switches, using VLAN
In linux kernel since version 4.14.326 (release Date: 2023-09-23)
Say Y or M if you want to enable support for tagging frames with a
custom VLAN-based header. Frames that require timestamping, such as
PTP, are not delivered over Ethernet but over register-based MMIO.
Flow control over the CPU port is functional in this mode. When using
this mode, less TCAM resources (VCAP IS1, IS2, ES0) are available for
use with tc-flower.
custom VLAN-based header. Frames that require timestamping, such as
PTP, are not delivered over Ethernet but over register-based MMIO.
Flow control over the CPU port is functional in this mode. When using
this mode, less TCAM resources (VCAP IS1, IS2, ES0) are available for
use with tc-flower.