PCI Express error injection support
modulename: aer_inject.ko
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>PCI support
└─>PCI Express error injection support
In linux kernel since version 2.6.31 (release Date: 2009-09-09)
This enables PCI Express Root Port Advanced Error Reporting
(AER) software error injector.
Debugging AER code is quite difficult because it is hard
to trigger various real hardware errors. Software-based
error injection can fake almost all kinds of errors with the
help of a user space helper tool aer-inject, which can be
gotten from:
(AER) software error injector.
Debugging AER code is quite difficult because it is hard
to trigger various real hardware errors. Software-based
error injection can fake almost all kinds of errors with the
help of a user space helper tool aer-inject, which can be
gotten from: