TI Gigabit PRU SR1.0 Ethernet driver

modulename: icssg-prueth-sr1.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Network device support
└─>Ethernet driver support
└─>Device Tree and Open Firmware support
└─>TI Gigabit PRU SR1.0 Ethernet driver
In linux kernel since version 4.19.318 (release Date: 2024-07-18)  
Support dual Gigabit Ethernet ports over the ICSSG PRU Subsystem.
This subsystem is available on the AM65 SR1.0 platform.

This driver requires firmware binaries which will run on the PRUs
to support the Ethernet operation. Currently, it supports Ethernet
with 1G, 100M and 10M link speed.

source code: