Support power resources on TWL4030 family chips
modulename: twl4030-power.ko
configname: CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Multifunction device drivers
└─>Support power resources on TWL4030 family chips
In linux kernel since version 2.6.32 (release Date: 2009-12-02)
Say yes here if you want to use the power resources on the
TWL4030 family chips. Most of these resources are regulators,
which have a separate driver; some are control signals, such
as clock request handshaking.
This driver uses board-specific data to initialize the resources
and load scripts controling which resources are switched off/on
or reset when a sleep, wakeup or warm reset event occurs.
TWL4030 family chips. Most of these resources are regulators,
which have a separate driver; some are control signals, such
as clock request handshaking.
This driver uses board-specific data to initialize the resources
and load scripts controling which resources are switched off/on
or reset when a sleep, wakeup or warm reset event occurs.