AK7375 lens voice coil support
modulename: ak7375.ko
configname: CONFIG_VIDEO_AK7375
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Multimedia support
└─>Media ancillary drivers
└─>Lens drivers
└─>AK7375 lens voice coil support
In linux kernel since version 3.10 (release Date: 2013-06-30)
This is a driver for the AK7375 camera lens voice coil.
AK7375 is a 12 bit DAC with 120mA output current sink
capability. This is designed for linear control of
voice coil motors, controlled via I2C serial interface.
AK7375 is a 12 bit DAC with 120mA output current sink
capability. This is designed for linear control of
voice coil motors, controlled via I2C serial interface.