VFIO support for VIRTIO NET PCI VF devices

modulename: virtio-vfio-pci.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>VFIO Non-Privileged userspace driver framework
└─>PCI support
└─>VFIO support for PCI devices
└─>VFIO support for VIRTIO NET PCI VF devices
In linux kernel since version 4.19.310 (release Date: 2024-03-15)  
This provides migration support for VIRTIO NET PCI VF devices
using the VFIO framework. Migration support requires the
SR-IOV PF device to support specific VIRTIO extensions,
otherwise this driver provides no additional functionality
beyond vfio-pci.

Migration support in this driver relies on dirty page tracking
provided by the IOMMU hardware and exposed through IOMMUFD, any
other use cases are dis-recommended.

If you don't know what to do here, say N.

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