CONFIG_ARCH_PENSANDO is not available for thedefaultarchitecture x86.
Result is shown for architecture arm64
AMD Pensando Platforms
Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Platform selection
└─>AMD Pensando Platforms
In linux kernel since version 4.14.330 (release Date: 2023-11-20)
This enables support for the ARMv8 based AMD Pensando SoC
family to include the Elba SoC.
AMD Pensando SoCs support a range of Distributed Services
Cards in PCIe format installed into servers. The Elba
SoC includes 16 Cortex A-72 CPU cores, 144 P4-programmable
cores for a minimal latency/jitter datapath, and network
interfaces up to 200 Gb/s.
family to include the Elba SoC.
AMD Pensando SoCs support a range of Distributed Services
Cards in PCIe format installed into servers. The Elba
SoC includes 16 Cortex A-72 CPU cores, 144 P4-programmable
cores for a minimal latency/jitter datapath, and network
interfaces up to 200 Gb/s.